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校長室より #1 入学式式辞

校長室より #1 入学式式辞







本校では、探究活動をはじめ、その他学校生活のあらゆる場面において、互いに刺激し合える活動の場が設定されています。この探究活動での一つの集大成が3月30日に放映された「アンビリバボー サバ缶を宇宙に飛ばした高校生、20年の青春バトンリレー」です。地域の宝であるサバ、くずを用い、試行錯誤を繰り返してデータを収集し、33番目の宇宙食に認証されることになったのです。宇宙からのYou Tube動画でサバ缶が紹介され、このプロジェクトはひとまずゴールに到達したわけですが、現在でもバトンリレーは続いています。このような探究活動は入学生の皆さん全員が何らかのテーマを見つけ、取り組んでいくことになります。友達との対話、先生方との対話を通しそれぞれの価値観を認め合い、お互いの意見を尊重し理解し合い新しい価値観の創造を期待しています。


福井県立若狭高等学校 校長 橋本有司

From the Principal’s Office #1 Commencement Address

The Junzomon Gate stands out in the gentle spring rain amidst the dancing petals of the cherry blossoms. On this fine spring day, it is a great pleasure not only for the new students, but also for our staff and current students, to be able to hold the 2023 entrance ceremony in the presence of Mr Isao Fujimoto, President of the PTA, Mr Takeshi Matsumiya, Vice President of the Association for the Promotion of Part-Time Education, and all the parents.

Congratulations to the 253 new students who have just been admitted to the school. I would like to congratulate you on your efforts in the run-up to enrolment and extend a hearty welcome to you from all of us at the school.

Congratulations to the parents and guardians. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you. The entire staff will strive to create a safe, trustworthy and attractive school. I would like to ask for your understanding and cooperation in the education of our school.

The school’s educational goal is to nurture an understanding and tolerance of different cultures and to develop well-educated members of society. I have two words for those of you who will carry on this tradition and usher in a new era.

The first is ‘realising wellbeing’. Well-being simply means ‘to live better’, to realise a sense of purpose and happiness in life. I would like you to find your ideal way of living as a human being and work towards realising it. This year, we have welcomed five students from outside the prefecture under the Regional Mirai Study Abroad Programme. One of the international students commented: ‘I want to enjoy my new life in a different environment, feeling grateful for the experience of being able to engage with new friends and adults I don’t know. At Wakasa High School, I want to live the high school life I have always longed for”. The sparkle in the students’ eyes remained with me, and I and the rest of the teaching staff will do our utmost to support them in realising the high school life that each of the 253 students must have had in their hearts.

The second is “understanding diversity and dialogue”. Today, society is faced with a mountain of issues for which there are no correct answers, such as infectious diseases, international conflicts and an ageing society with a declining birthrate. In other words, the process of solving problems, rather than simply utilising what has been learned, is becoming more important.

In our school, there are opportunities to stimulate each other’s efforts in exploratory activities and in all other aspects of school life. One culmination of these exploration activities was the 30 March broadcast of ‘Anbiribabo: High school students who sent a mackerel can into space, 20 years of youth baton relay’. Using mackerel, a local treasure, and kudzu, the students collected data through repeated trial and error, and were certified as the 33rd space food. The project has now reached its goal, with the introduction of mackerel cans in a You Tube video from space, but the baton relay continues to this day. All students who enrol in the school will find some theme to work on in these exploratory activities. Through dialogue with friends and teachers, we expect them to appreciate each other’s values, respect and understand each other’s opinions and create new values.

Last but not least, our school celebrates its 126th anniversary this year. The Junzomon Gate at the front gate is the symbol of our school, and since it was built as a domain school of the Obama clan for the purpose of developing local human resources, we have sent over 30,000 graduates to the school. I would like to conclude my address by expressing my sincere hope that the three years at this school will be a fruitful high school life full of dreams and hopes for the new students.

7 April 2023
Principal, Fukui Prefectural Wakasa High School Yushi Hashimoto

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