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校長室より #2 前期始業式

校長室より #2 前期始業式







From the Principal’s Office #2 Opening ceremony for the first term

A new year finally begins today. Each of you has started the school’s 126th year by welcoming the first-year students, who have each completed their grade and had entrance ceremony. We hope that each of you will be aware of the role of your respective grades and that you will have a fulfilling year to achieve your goals.

The school mission, which was created together by the students, parents, teachers and staff of Wakasa High School, states:

Through interactions between students and glocal exchanges, we aim for students to show initiative and to become people who:
1. understand and respect each other
2. are ready to take a further step into the unknown.

How do you think you can become a person who understands and respects each other? Please picture it in your mind. I would like you all to take care of what comes to your mind, but first of all, I would like you to try to become aware of how the other person is feeling through pleasant greetings and dialogue. How about recognising and respecting the other person and “having an attitude of learning from the other person”? The first step towards this will be the new class you will be spending time in.

What do you think of the second type of person who can take a further step into the unknown? As before, please picture it in your mind.
I think it is someone who has big dreams and can take on challenges. Is Shohei Ohtani of the Angels satisfied with winning the WBC? Ohtani has a dream of playing two roles in the American Major League Baseball, the pinnacle of baseball, with a pitch speed of 170 km/h and a 150-metre home run, and he keeps trying to make it a reality. His motto is “Preconceived notions make the possible impossible”. You all have potential. Please strive to achieve high goals in your studies at high school, your career goals and club activities.

I would like to conclude my address by wishing you a fulfilling year as you strive to become the people that the school mission aims to be.


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