2. 特集
  3. 横浜国立大学との連携協定 3期目締結



横浜国立大学との連携協定 3期目締結

横浜国立大学と連携協定 3期目を締結



まずは横浜国立大学の梅原出学長と懇談。梅原学長と北村徹校長は大学の同級生ということで終始和やかな雰囲気で懇談が行われた後、教育学部学部長 木村昌彦先生、大学院教育学研究科教職大学院専攻長 和田一郎先生、附属教育デザインセンター長 石塚等先生、教育学研究科 脇本健弘先生と連携協定調印式を行いました。



Signed a collaboration agreement with Yokohama National University for the third term.

On Monday, March 20, 2023, a research collaboration agreement between Wakasa High School and Yokohama National University was held at Yokohama National University.

First, we had a meeting with President Izuru Umehara of Yokohama National University. President Umehara and Principal Toru Kitamura are classmates at the university, so the discussion was friendly from start to finish, followed by the signing ceremony of the collaboration agreement with Prof. Masahiko Kimura, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Prof. Ichiro Wada, Dean of the Graduate School of Education, Graduate School of Education, Prof. Hitoshi Ishizuka, Director of the Center for Affiliated Educational Design, and Prof. Takehiro Wakimoto, Graduate School of Education.

Wakasa High School, Yokohama National University, and Uchida Yoko have been conducting research on a questionnaire to evaluate inquiry-based learning throughout the first and second phases of the cooperative agreement. In July 2022, a forum was held for more than 100 educators from across Japan under the title of “Considering the Future of Assessment of Inquiry: Systematic Curriculum Improvement Based on Data. In the future, we plan to conduct further research on initiatives to improve inquiry-based learning through data for students and teachers.

Please look forward to future joint research between Wakasa High School and Yokohama National University!