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講師氏名:Dr. Mathew Mark LINDLEY (大阪大学)
講義補助者:奥村 智昭 氏(大阪大学 数理解析研究所)









Science Dialogue

Date: May 24, 2022
Lecturer: Dr. Mathew Mark LINDLEY(Osaka University)
Assistant:Tomoaki Okumura(Osaka Univerisity)
Class:2-2(Science Course)

【Student feedback】

In today’s Science Dialogue, we learned about light. I learnt for the first time that light reaches our eyes in the form of waves. I thought it was interesting that different colours are visible at different wavelengths. The experiment was also interesting because it was easy to see and understand.

I learnt that light is made up of waves and that the world we can see is only a small part of those waves. I thought it was amazing that a microwave oven heats food using infrared light and that you can tell the speed of the light by looking at things like melted cheese.

I enjoyed listening to the lecture because it was in simple English.

I have not usually had much contact with engineering, so my first impression was that it was difficult, but I could see that light is an essential field in our daily lives, such as cell analysis and microwave ovens, and that there is this kind of research too. I could also see that the range of light that people can see is limited and I could understand what infrared and ultraviolet rays are, which I have heard about.

The English was a bit fast, but I was able to listen to the lecture carefully and understand some of the content, so that was good. The content was very interesting and I would like to do further research on my own.

I found out that the reason humans understand colours is because our eyes judge them differently depending on the shape of the wavelength of the light. I also learnt that we can apply the mechanism of a microwave oven to investigate wavelengths. In his lecture, Professor Matt explained that when you analyse light in the nanometre world, you can see that the true nature of light is a wave, and that if you shine a special light on it, you can even find out the true nature of micro-plastics.

Today’s talk made me realise that, although it is difficult to study light, there are some very interesting discoveries to be made. So I decided to look more closely at the things around me.


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