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講師氏名:Dr. Nathaniel C. Michon (龍谷大学)
講義補助者:嵩 宣也 氏(龍谷大学)


外国の方の日本人の心理に関する研究を聞けるというのが新鮮で、とても興味深く楽しかったです。 日本人の価値観が世界的に見ると独特であり、複雑で難しいことを知り驚きました。私たち日本人にとっては、宗教的なもので日常的に物事を解決したりはしないので、外国人の物事の考え方や価値観に興味を持つきっかけになりました。 外国人から見て、日本人のこんなところが変わってるように見える・全く違うと感じるというような、外国人視点でみた日本人の姿を知りたいなと思いました。



講義で習った話を聞くときの注意すべきポイントは、これからの生活でも活かせることだと思うので、話を聞く立場になったときは今回のことを意識できるようにしたいです。 専門的な言葉も多く、英語での講義は難しかったですが、今の自分が英語をどの程度聞き取れて理解できるのかわかったし、外国人の方の研究について学べてとても良い経験になりました。

心理カウンセラーになりたいと考えていたので、この講義を受けられて良かったです。もっと友達が悩んでいるときに助けてあげられるようになりたいと思っていたので、Active Listeningを活用していきたいと思いました。



Science Dialogue

Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Lecturer: Dr. Nathaniel C. Michon (Ryukoku University)
Assistant Lecturer: Dr. Nobuya Tsuki (Ryukoku University)
Title of Lecture: Spiritual Care
Class: 2-1 (International Course )

Student feedback

It was refreshing to hear a foreigner’s research on Japanese psychology, which was very interesting and enjoyable. I was surprised to learn that Japanese values are unique, complex and difficult to understand from a global perspective. For us Japanese, we do not solve things on a daily basis with religious things, so it gave me a chance to be interested in the way foreigners think about things and their values. I wanted to know how Japanese people are seen from a foreigner’s point of view, such as how such and such aspects of Japanese people seem to be unusual or completely different from the way they are seen by foreigners.

It was a great experience for me to hear about a field I had never heard of before. I think I will be consulted often in the future, so I would like to make use of what I learned today. Also, although I could not understand all of the English, I think my English ability has improved.

The content was very interesting. I am also doing qualitative research with elderly people and often interview them, so I would like to put today’s good methods of listening into practice from now on. I thought the study of people’s mentality was interesting and I would like to know more about it.

I think the points to pay attention to when listening to a story that I learned in the lecture will be useful in my future life, so I would like to be aware of them when I am in a position to listen to a story. There were many specialized words, and it was difficult to attend the lecture in English, but I now know how well I can hear and understand English, and it was a very good experience for me to learn about the research of a foreigner.

I am glad I was able to take this lecture because I have always wanted to become a psychological counselor. I wanted to be able to help my friends more when they are in trouble, so I wanted to make use of Active Listening.

It is difficult to counsel others and heal their emotional wounds, but I think it is important to be there for them because being there for them can ease their emotional pain and make them feel better. In this lecture, I learned what not to do when giving consultations and the key points of interviews. I sometimes receive advice from my friends, so I think this will be very helpful for me. I would like to be careful about what I do even if I think I am doing the right thing, because sometimes the other person may be hurt. I know that “mental health” and “being close to others” are difficult questions that have no answers, but I would like to spend my time thinking about them. I learned from this lecture that there are various ways to be close to someone, and that the person who is trying to be close to someone may conversely become depressed.

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